The Avaya Call Center platform affords a tool for call intensive staff members who handle lots of telephone calls. The Call Center is designed for people who expend most of their time answering calls. The platform allows calls to be automatically routed to an automated system that manages the calls in a first in, first answered basis within a particular pre-programmed group. For example, the Call Center platform call routing may be defined by the caller by pressing a menu option at the main greeting:
Calls to each group may be prioritized. For example, emergency calls, option 1, is answered first. This may be changed at any time by your manager.
Many people tend to think of a Call Center as people neatly organized into rows, sitting beside their phones, answering customer calls. In contrast, modern Call Centers are more than headset-wearing switch-board operators. The modern Call Center efficiently handles many phone calls, Emails, online communication, and integrate Instant Messaging.
Some companies choose to separate the handling of customer contacts by staff member who are trained and prepared to handle matters over the telephone. For instance, a company may establish a department for: inbound calls, one for outbound calls, and a group for Emails. Some companies, especially smaller ones, opt to create “universal agents” who handle all contact types.
With the Avaya platform, staff members in the Call Center may work from anywhere including their home. The system views all as being in one function called the Call Center no matter where they are housed.
Call Center Real Time Supervisor's Call Management View.
The graphic real time view offer a call management view of how calls are being handled. The supervisor, or any other manager, has a real time, minute to minute, view of the efficiency of call handling. The Call Center is especially useful for high call volume medical practices that often have five staffer members who handle the call for four physicians.
Call Center functions are useful for firms with as few as two people who handle order entry or customer service call.
The Call Center ends needless ringing on many telephones distracting too many staff members; focus calls to a limited number of staffers to create more productivity.
Individual Staff Reporting
Displays the individual call handling each call by specific staffer. Useful in the ongoing management of agent time.
Individual Staff Agent Summary Reporting
Report indicates handling of calls by the staffer.
Individual Staff Member Agent Reporting View
An agent view presents the agent with a view of what is happening with calls that are arriving. Knowing the status of calls allow the agent to better manage the time on a call; no calls on hold and the agent may expend additional time with the caller. All such call statistics, time on call, are reported, and can be analyzed by management.
Reporting of Call Activities
The key to managing people who handle high call volumes is to have real time reporting in the Avaya platform that is called a View. The View screen on the workstation details calls in process for the manager's administration, and other Agent View data. The Call Center has a feature to record calls which aid in training. The matter the number of staffers in the Call Center, could be one person, a managed Call Center staff create good customer relationships.
Call Center Technology-
Avaya innovation in the market with its extensive leadership now makes Automated Call Distribution (ACD) call handing affordable.
The Call Center is key to efficiently handling high call volumes. Often customer service departments fall into this high call volume group category. The standard, no extra cost, feature Call Center in the Avaya IP Office performs very well out of the "box" . This platform performs as well as full Call Center systems for most customers.
The full function Call Center, see standard reports, is now made affordable to any size firm. Many firms would benefit form Novacom's Avaya Call Center technology.
The Call Center is a cost effective way to insure that staff members who expend significant time on calls have this business tool that manages inbound calls and reduce on hold times.
Teamed with Novacom's message on hold package, the caller is afforded quick response with information on hold, and alternate routing if on hold too long.
The deployment of the Call Center is built on the proven Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) model that has been reduced in cost to be a standard feature. In the ACD, all inbound calls are answered first in and first answered; guaranteed. The Avaya Call Center platform is the most cost effective in the industry and may cost as little as $45.00 per month per staff member; a small amount to assure greater productivity.
Press 1
for emergency service;
Press 2
for calls to add to an order; or
Press 3
for calls to cancel an order.
It’s up to the customer to decide how they want to communicate with your company, and it’s up to your company to respond appropriately.
Expertly manage staff efforts to quickly answer calls and reduce on hold times.
Call Recording and Monitoring-
A service training tool now and a potentially mandated governmental dictate in the future.
The Advance feature package includes the resource to record telephone calls and access these call on a random basis in the future.
Basic sequential call recording is standard on the Avaya Preferred voice processing. The Contact Store is standard on the Advanced platform and allows random retrieval of messages.
Governmental regulations may mandate recording of calls in the medical and financial sectors.
Call recording is becoming a necessary feature of a modern business.. Cal recording are needed for:
Documentation of calls;
Use in training staff members;
Increase demands by government for call recording especially collection calls;
In financial medical environments that need "audit trails"
Your are alerted to call volumes;
A wide array of reports of your staff productivity; and Call recording.
*Note: This example indicates that 1,379 calls have been lost; the goal should be no calls lost. Clearly calls are not being handled.and management intervention is needed