It is time to consider an upgrade for  your Avaya Partner System, an 18+ year reliable platform, with up to date features in a user friendly package. The NEW perfected Partner system  is an Integrated system that uses your existing Partner telephones protecting your investment.
The old style Partner ACS telephone system is ideal for small business applications. The platform is designed for simple operation and ease of maintenance. Expansion in increments of three lines and eight telephones.  Ask Novacom about the new Partner platform
The Partner Cordless telephone (picturede left) is a multiple line telephone. The 18D Partner telephone is the most popular Partner telephone model.
Avaya Partner Cordless & 18D Telephones
Old Avaya Partner six button Telephone.
Avaya Partner 6D Telephone for four lines with LCD, tilt stand,  and two way speaker.
Feature Codes
New Avaya telephones for Partner applications. Larger displays, better outside calling speakers, and many new features
Old Partner (AT&T, Lucent, and Avaya)
New  Avaya Partner -300 More Features
Add new Series Digital.
Re Use Your Current Partner Telephones
Replace  your Current Partner Control-(8.0 was last Version), and have more features and use less electric power.
Your Current Reliable Partner Telephones 
Cell Telephone Integration-Your cell telephone becomes an extension of your desk telephone
Using your Avaya telephone system as the hub for connecting office and cell telephones, make calls from and to the cell telephones through your main site telephone system. The caller receives the number of the main site, your main listed number, and not the cell number. Your cell telephone is an extension of your desk telephone.
Remote Management of Your Telephone Features-The productivity producing  benefit for road workers.
Manage your telephone features from anywhere via the Internet. This is the Graphic Utility Interface (GUI) assigned to each staff member for their own maintenance of their telephone features. Very user friendly and convenient for a staffer on the road.

Remotely, via the Internet secure connection, view and modify  voice mail messages (left view) and preferences. 
OLD Avaya  Partner Control.
NEW Partner Control.
Administer the voice processing needs of your organization after a brief, no cost, training program.

The upgraded Avaya voice processing provides: up to 10,000 routines for the precise connection of a caller's option based upon the menu option selected; voice mail storage of greater than 1,500 hours (for call recording and voice mail storage), message retrieval on a random basis, call connection to more than ten alternate telephone numbers, and messages sent to cell telephones.
Voice mail options include options to change its mode of operation; your organization can elect to have a completely different, alternate,  approach to suit you needs.. 
The basic  eight function full duplex speaker telephone with user friendly 
navagation feature and full headset integration.
Contact Us
We are experts in the migrating from Avaya (AT&T or Lucent Technologies Part System
908-431-9600, Ext 229